
Jesus Loves You

Jesus has made my life so much freaking better that I have to tell you about Him.

Honestly, I’ve been so blessed to have a pretty good life. I have two parents and had a good childhood where I was never hungry. I succeeded in school and sports and was fortunate enough to go to college. I edited videos for big artists and brands and even started a YouTube channel that got over 500,000 subscribers. I did all of this while knowing about Jesus, but not letting Him change my life.

On the outside, it seemed like I had so much success, yet I was stressed, anxious, and depressed. I looked the part but was completely empty inside.

It looked like I had it all, but really I had nothing.

Then one day while I was in my car driving to film a video, I started talking to God and repenting. All repent means is to say sorry for the wrong things you’ve done and turn away from that lifestyle. I repented for my greed of wanting to make a ton of money and for my selfishness in trying to glorify myself and become famous as if I am more important than others. I started crying.

I knew that I had messed up and hurt people in my past, as well as myself. I was a bad person.

But as I cried and repented, I felt so much lighter. It was as if this giant weight that I had been carrying was lifted off of me. I felt like there was hope. It was all because of Jesus.

Jesus is a real historical person that lived, died, and rose from the grave. That’s kinda wild. He also claimed to be God which either: he’s crazy or he’s actually telling the truth. Everyone who lived around him while he walked the earth claimed that he was telling the truth to the point of being killed because they wouldn’t renounce their claims. They were fully convinced.

God is just. He says that the wages of sin or our wrongdoings on earth is death. Every time we lie, cheat, or gossip about someone, we deserve punishment for those actions. But, God is also loving. He loves you and me so much that he sent His Son Jesus, a perfect human with no sin, to die to pay the penalty for the sins we have committed. It’s like some random person did your jail time, or paid your speeding ticket, or literally died for you when you were on death row, and then you got to go free.

That’s how I know that Jesus loves you. It’s been proven.

So when you confess that you have messed up, turn away from sin, and live your life for Jesus, that’s your way of thanking Jesus for what he did. Jesus promises that those who give their lives to him will have eternal life. They will go to heaven and spend eternity with Him.

When I repented and gave my life to Jesus in that car I was set free. My depression and stress are gone and I now feel more joy than I ever have because I don’t have to keep striving and trying to gain worldly wealth and power, or to make myself look better. I have nothing to lose, nothing to prove, and nothing to hide. I have literally everything I could ever want.

I want you to have that too. Say this out loud to God:

“I believe your Son Jesus died for me and I want to live my life for Him now. God, I’m sorry I’ve been doing things my way, I turn away from that now. Please fill me with Your love and grace.”

If you said this to the God of the universe then LET’S GOOO! God also gave us the Bible which has instructions for how to live the best life possible, you can read it in the Bible app. I’d start with the book of John in the New Testament (the second half of the Bible). It tells the story of Jesus’ time on Earth. Write me an email at jordan@jordanorme.com so I can celebrate with you and help you along the way!

Welcome to the family.